Monday, 22 February 2010

Patience, patience!

For those of you following my blogs and on Twitter you will be aware that I have been trying to shed a few of my own pounds – along with the rest of the nation at this time of the year. The crunch came when I couldn’t button up my Guess jeans – the ones I wore in the photograph used on the front of my Gi Jeans Diet book in 2006. Because they then fitted me so well, I saved them to be worn on only special occasions which is why I was very cross with myself that I had allowed myself to gain weight over recent months.

So, a month ago, upon arriving back from our skiing holiday – during which I had lost a pound – I made a definite pledge. These few pounds must go and I measured myself with my Magic Measure and vowed to try to do some exercise every day. I also cut back on my wine, I stopped the treats, and I changed to porridge for breakfast (a blue Portion Pot-full). I have really tried and it’s worked.

I have lost two inches off my waist, and over an inch from my hips and widest part. Having a quick check with my Magic Measure every few days was brilliantly motivational and really kept me focussed.

This morning I ventured into the jeans once again. They fitted and without a muffin top. I cannot tell you how good that felt!

So, if you’re trying to drop a dress size or get into that special item of clothing, just keep focussed and be patient. It doesn’t matter how many weeks it takes, but just do it.

Remember, dieting with others is easier and more effective so check out for details of our classes near you.

Monday, 15 February 2010

An interesting week!

Last week Mike was away skiing with his friends which meant that I could attack all sorts of jobs that I normally wouldn’t have time to do. Along with every other working wife in the country, I feel guilty about doing jobs when we need to spend quality time together so if hubby’s away, then I can work till whatever time I like with a clear conscience.

In addition to completing lots of household jobs I was able to go out with friends to see Strictly Come Dancing – the live tour - in Nottingham on one evening and fly to Dublin to do a mini publicity tour the next day. Our friend house-dog-and mother-in-law-sits, so everything is well covered. The main reason I visited Dublin was to appear on their TV3 channel which is the Irish equivalent of GMTV. They are always charming, welcoming and give me a decent slot to talk about my latest book and DVD as well as our internet TV channel – If one wants to sell one’s book, DVD and attract viewers on to the new site, then publicity is a must.

After appearing on TV3 I was then whisked off to a radio station to record an ‘as-live’ interview for transmission on Saturday. The presenter was great and the fact that he had already logged on and watched was a real bonus. And the fact that he commented on how high the production quality appeared was particularly gratifying. Press interviews with the Irish Sun back at the hotel, the Irish News of the World in the taxi to the airport and a women’s magazine at the airport as I arrived in Birmingham meant that I really had used every available minute.

After a quick change at home it was then back to the office to do some writing for my magazine which is fast approaching its deadline and then it was off to Steps, the Leicestershire charity of which I am Patron and a Trustee, for our monthly Trustees meeting in the evening. We’re organising a black tie dinner and fundraising event in June as well as Music in the Meadow in August to raise much needed funds to keep the school going. We have a great team and I love what Steps does and what we are able to achieve as a dedicated and positive group of Trustees.
It made my day when I Twittered about Steps and a professional artist offered to paint a portrait as an Auction prize. We already have an England Rugby shirt signed by all the team of 2009 to auction at the dinner.

I had an early radio interview to do on Friday morning and then meetings through the day but at the end of the day, I felt I had achieved a huge amount. But perhaps the highlight of the week was the fact that a journalist on the South coast had decided to put herself on my Amazing Inch Loss Plan and write about it. And at the end of the 28 days – yes, she’d lost a stone! Wonderful!

It’s lovely now to have Mike back, safe and sound if full of cold. Life is back to normal and next week will be a little easier. Life is very good.

Learn more about my Amazing Inch Loss Plan by logging on to or visit

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The weight losses continue!

I’ve just completed the first month of classes with my new members following my Amazing Inch Loss Plan. It is exciting to see the pounds falling away and I can honestly say that I have never given out so many half-stone and one stone certificates of weight loss as I have in the last couple of weeks nor have I ever had so many new members join my classes.

One of my members lost 1st 1 lb in 3 weeks. She’s now lost a total of 1st 6 lbs in 5 weeks! Two members received their 1 stone certificate after four weeks and many others are teetering on the edge of losing a stone in the month. Tonight I gave out eight half-stone certificates, some to folk who had lost that much in just one week!

Last week the weight losses were not as dramatic so I gave a talk on the importance of activity and exercise. This week they had exercised in all kinds of ways and it was working brilliantly. Their faces were a picture and they are now so fired up to carry on with their diets.

My own weight-loss campaign is progressing well. I haven’t been on the scales but I have lost almost two inches from my waist, (according to my Magic Measure) and my clothes are feeling significantly looser. And yes, I’ve been exercising too.

Waise, our lurcher/whippet-cross dog, has enjoyed more brisk walks than usual and yesterday, when I was walking along the main street back to our house a neighbour commented ‘Golly, you’re stepping it out aren’t you!’ and yes I was, I wanted to maximise my fat-burning power.

Every morning I’ve been doing my Express Abs workout from my Real Results DVD. It is so quick and effective and no trouble just to do those four minutes of concentrated exercises. I feel I’m holding my stomach in better as a result too.

So, if you want to see a difference, stick to the diet, go to classes, use your Magic Measure and get exercising as much as possible. You know it makes sense.

Visit or for more information and help.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Take a look at the diet trialists

This week we have uploaded the initial weigh-in day of my Trial Dieters on

Last May the first group of dieters came to Quorn House to be weighed in and measured. They were interviewed too and you can see the sense of fear and trepidation in their body language as they embarked on this weight-loss challenge. Men and women alike were given a 1200 calories a day diet sheet and they were given the option of either following the high protein version or the high carbohydrate one. The choice was theirs. They were also asked to exercise almost every day.

I told them that the challenge was to see if they could lose a stone in a month and they were very willing to give it a try. After all, they had nothing to lose but their weight and inches.

On the day they came to Quorn I had lost my voice, had flu and felt and looked dreadful. The second day of the weigh-in I didn’t even make it as I had to stay in bed. Fortunately, my wonderful team were able to carry on without me and in two days 50 people had been filmed and sent away with their diet and fitness plan.

A month on they were all back. Their total weight loss was an incredible 50 stone in the month and I had achieve the goal I wanted. To prove that you could lose a stone in a month whilst eating three healthy meals a day, power snacks, and ¾ pint of milk coupled with regular exercise. I then put it all in a book and my Amazing Inch Loss Plan is the result.

It is great to see the dieters’ response, one month on, and to have it captured on film. For me it is the icing on the cake because I had forgotten what they looked like at the beginning of the Trial. And I know how brilliant they look today!

Please watch this new programme on It really is inspiring. Just log on to

Monday, 1 February 2010

The Magic Measure is Magic!

As I explained a couple of weeks ago, I would rather go by the fit of my clothes than weighing myself on the scales everyday, which I think is counterproductive, but I want to lose about 3 lbs so that I can get back into my Gi Jeans which currently are just too tight!

Upon returning from our skiing holiday, and having lost 1lb whilst away, I wanted to keep up the momentum so on Monday last I measured myself with my Magic Measure. The permanent ‘start’ clips are on and today was my first measuring day. One week on, I am delighted to report that I have lost an inch from around my waist, and one inch from around my hips. Bust and widest part have only shrunk very slightly so I didn’t pin on the temporary, removable, tags. But the great thing is that there is absolutely no doubt that I have lost some inches. It is incredibly motivational to see the evidence right there in my hands in the form of the Magic Measure.

When you join Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Clubs you automatically receive a Magic Measure in your New Member’s Pack or you can buy one for £3.99 from If you want to see a demonstration of how it works, go to I think it is the most motivational tool ever.