Every week I meet wonderful folk who have lost weight and transformed their lives. And they all wish they had done it earlier.
Weight creeps up on us. Half a pound here and a couple of pounds there and, before you know it, half a stone has gone on – then a stone. Nobody who has lost 10 stone ever, in their wildest imagination, anticipated that their weight problem would become so great. Folk go through the stages of moving along their wardrobe to the clothes that used to be loose that now fit. When they get a bit worn, they are replaced with new, at possibly the next size up, telling ourselves that that particular brand ‘obviously comes up a bit small in their sizing’.
Relaxed eating habits, little exercise (if any), over-indulgence on occasions, too much alcohol, snacking between meals and whilst watching television, all massively affect what we weigh. And we have to make choices.
I was in M&S on Saturday and ready-made traditional favourite puddings were on offer: Sticky toffee Pudding, Spotted Dick, Treacle Pudding – the selection was fabulous. I could feel my mouth salivating as I picked up a couple of options wondering whether they could come in useful when we have visitors at some time. WHO AM I KIDDING! I didn’t buy them because I really do want to stay slim but it took a lot of willpower.
Food used to control me, thankfully, now it doesn’t. If you are thinking about food too much, and your size is creeping up, why not consider joining one of our classes or our online slimming service? We do understand your needs and we really want to help you – and we offer unbelievable value too! Just log on to www.rosemaryconley.com for details of how we can help.