Friday 6 November 2009

Simple Rule of Life

Last Wednesday evening I was asked to present the prizes at a local school and to address the invited audience. I love talking to young people who have gone through the major part of their school lives and who are just off to college. It is such a significant and exciting time of their lives.

These are the lessons I passed on to them:

Be nice to people – it makes you happier.

Always tell the truth.

Dress smartly – people will respect you more if you do.

Own up to your mistakes (everybody makes them) and be prepared to say ‘sorry’.

If you know you’ve made a mistake, confess it immediately. It saves your worrying.

Try your best, work hard and don’t be frightened of asking for help.

No one becomes successful on their own. We get there because others help us.

Don’t expect to be good at everything - nobody is.

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

A ‘no’ now doesn’t mean a ‘no’ forever.

Decide on your goals – and write them down.

Follow your dreams and keep persevering. Never give up.

Don’t fear failure. Learn from life’s tough times and do it better next time

We should all have dreams, and we should find a career that we love so that we enjoy every day. I have loved every minute of mine.