Monday 12 April 2010

Why I think 5-a-day is still good news!

I’m back from our two week holiday and of course we find ourselves in the middle of Election Fever. May the best man win!

Anyway, the news emerged last week that eating our five-a-day didn’t have the cancer-preventing qualities that the nutrition experts thought it had after all. Reducing levels of obesity and smoking are, apparently, more effective.

I think it is really sad that all the progress that has been made over the last seven years in educating the population towards the importance of eating more fruit and vegetables has been sent backwards by this non-story. After all, by eating your five-a-day you still reduce your risk of cancer by 3%. Surely that’s a reduction worth working for?

I remember a few years ago the story broke that HRT increased our chances of contracting breast cancer. The research of the day said the risk was between 1 – 2%. As a result, millions of women stopped taking HRT which, in my opinion, is a magical medication. A few years later the research was turned on its head and the risk from HRT was confirmed as so minute and that the risks were far outweighed by the, now confirmed, many health benefits. By that time millions of women had come to terms with living without HRT and their lives and their health may well have suffered as a result. I insisted on staying on hormone replacement therapy because if made me feel 25 years younger. It still does and I intend to stay on it for ever.

Now, back to our five-a-day fruit and vegetables. If 3% of the population benefit significantly from eating five-a-day, that has to be good news, surely. Add to this the fact that eating more fruit and vegetables also helps reduce obesity, why on earth come out with a negative news story that is unhelpful to our health! Vegetables are full of low calorie, low fat nutrients that give us a multitude of vitamins and health benefits – as well as filling us up at mealtimes and providing a tasty low-cal snack.

So, I wonder how long it will be before they come up with another story that confirms the wisdom of eating more fruit and veg? Soon, I hope, because if we eat less than we already do, heaven help us!

In the meantime, enjoy the Spring sunshine and get out there in the open air and enjoy being more active. Check out our website if you need some help to lose weight or become fitter. Our latest issue of our magazine is published this week and it is packed full of loads of delicious recipes for you to try. If you can’t find it at your local supermarket, you can always subscribe via our website and get it delivered to your door before it reaches the shops. Enjoy your week.