Tuesday 6 April 2010

Spring time and a new beginning

It is now officially Spring and Easter has been and gone and hopefully, very soon, we will start to have some beautiful warm weather in the UK. I’m currently in Portugal where we really are appreciating the warmer weather and realising how good it is to feel the sun on your back.

I love the Spring-time with the trees breaking into life and the flowers looking so bright and cheerful. There are fields at the end of our garden at home and at this time of the year the lambs are very entertaining. They jump and skip, and at 5 o’clock each day they have races. They chase each other in groups and have a really fun time while their mums graze away contentedly. It is fascinating to watch and it is totally inspiring. It makes you want to go outside and be amongst it. And that’s good for us.

The after-Easter period is the second busiest time in the dieting calendar (January is the peak) as people become inspired to lose weight ready for their summer holidays. The good news is that we do feel more inspired to do something as going out and about on a bike, for a walk or run, or to the park, is significantly more pleasant than doing it in the freezing cold and wet. Lots of people will be signing up for Race for Life and now is the time to start training. To help you, we have included on www.rosemaryconley.tv a Race for Life Training Programme which you can log on to each week for that week’s training schedule. Designed by our very own fitness expert Mary Morris, it helps you progress your fitness to enable you to run or walk the Race to the maximum of your capability and fitness.

If you want to be fitter and slimmer for your holidays, make a pledge right now to make some small steps towards your goals. Log on to www.rosemaryconley.com for details of your nearest Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Club classes, and if there’s not one near you try our Online slimming club, our magazine and much much more. We are here to help you so just do it – for yourself!