We have had an amazingly dry summer here in the UK with lots of sunshine. We have enjoyed it but now it is well and truly autumn and the leaves are turning golden and the conkers are ready for gathering. The harvest is in and the fields have been ploughed ready for a new crop next year.
As we get older we realise how fast the months pass by and as I was sitting with my mum-in-law yesterday in the outpatients department as she awaited her blood test, it struck me so strongly how immobile some folk are just because they are carrying a load of excess weight. My mum-in-law is not one of them. She is very slim – always has been – but she has eaten carefully and healthily and has remained active all her life. As I watched men and women walk in to the hospital with their sticks and frames, manoeuvring to sit down, obviously with aching hips and painful knees, I realised the immense benefit of losing our excess weight, exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet.
We cannot buy health but we can invest in an account of common sense and responsibility. We have choices and we need to make wise ones if we want to live beyond our three score years and ten. Being a healthy weight, being fit and independent is priceless and yet we just assume it is how life will be for us. If you are very overweight, smoke, drink to excess and do no exercise and also don’t bother about what you eat, you could be in for a shock that will profoundly affect your life in years to come. Make a choice today to take a few small steps towards a healthier and happier future. You can find some help from our website: www.rosemaryconley.com. I hope we can help you on your journey to a long and healthier life.