Tuesday 8 September 2009

September - an important point of the year

In the diet and fitness business there are three main points in the year when folk join slimming clubs and gyms to lose a few pounds and get themselves in shape. The main one is January – after the Christmas blow-out and it’s time for new year resolutions. The second peak is after Easter as folk realise it is time to slim down for their holiday and for wearing lighter, sleeveless clothes for the warm summer months. The third peak is September.

People came back to classes in September after their summer holidays and when life takes on some routine and normality again after children return to school. We also want to look our best for the Christmas party season and going to class is something beneficial to do as the nights start drawing in.

Now is a good time to make the most of the warm sunshine and go for walks and enjoy the tail-end of the summer. Making some September resolutions and writing them down is good for us and helps us to focus on achieving more with our diet and fitness. Our classes will be offering free membership at this time of the year, (some may attach some conditions) and everyone will feel a sense of a new start. If you need help and fancy coming along, just check out our website www.rosemaryconley.com and if classes aren’t for you, we offer an online slimming club.

We all work better if we are with others aiming for the same goals so make September a special month for you to get back on track and make the most of yourself and your health.