Tuesday 2 June 2009

Rosemary's daily activity challenge is a HIT!

You may or may not be aware that for the last six weeks or so I have been Twittering. Over that time I have gathered a variety of new friends who have been following my daily life with encouragement, interest and inspiration and it has been fun. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just click on this to read my tweets on twitter.com/rosemary

Yesterday was the first day of June and I thought it would be fun to launch a daily activity challenge each evening. Day 1’s challenge was to ‘walk up and down stairs five times consecutively.’ The response last night was amazing as gleeful Tweeters told me that they had ‘done it’ – ‘were exhausted’ – ‘didn’t realise they were so unfit’ and so on.

So each night at 8 pm I will be posting ‘today’s fitness challenge’. It won’t take long to complete and yes, it’s a bit of fun. And that’s the key. Quick and fun! Is it valuable as an aid to fitness? You bet it is! It will mean that each day you will be using some muscles that you may not have done otherwise. You may be raising your heart rate – even for 2 – 3 minutes – more than perhaps the rest of the day. Each little challenge is a building block towards becoming fitter and over a period of a month you will be fitter and your muscles will be stronger.,

Over the next few days I may ask you to use a ‘prop’ which you should be able to find around the house. These will include a broom handle, a couple of small water bottles to use as hand weights, a skipping rope and a couple of cans of baked beans. This will become your home gym! You will not need any of them for this evening, but maybe tomorrow?

These mini workouts are not instead of your fitness class, visit to the gym or run round the block. This daily challenge is extra. It’s fun and I think that with lots of you doing it simultaneously and then Tweeting me to tell me that you’ve done it will give everyone encouragement and inspiration. I hope you might join in too!

Have a lovely day.