Tuesday 7 July 2009

Austrian Activity Holiday

It is now Day 3 of our Austrian Activity Holiday and we are all having a very happy time, despite the damp weather.

Yesterday we walked along the bank of the Lech river, through fields bathed in summer flowers, surrounded by mountains, clean air and a sense of extreme peace. The countryside is enchanting and exercise is a total pleasure.

Our 40-strong group chat to each other as we walk along, learning about each other’s lives. Somehow, doing something physical and having time to talk is amazingly therapeutic, particularly amongst such beauty. Nobody minded when it started to rain quite heavily. Out came the waterproofs and we just carried on chatting away, until we reached the trout farm.

The keen ‘fishermen’ guests soon found their skill in casting their lines and the damp conditions helped the catch rate. Within 30 minutes 35 trout were caught and within half an hour we were all sitting down to the most delicious smoked trout we’ve ever tasted, together with potato salad and a small slice of apple strudel!

Soon it was time to make our way back and only the Brits would want to stop off at the open air swimming pool to go swimming in the rain! Unfortunately, the pool was closed due to bad weather.

Then it was time for a sauna or steam bath – they have a magnificent spa area in our hotel which is designed beyond imagination it is so stylish – and then it’s time for our aerobics class. I really didn’t expect many to join me but almost everyone did and by the end of the session, the total day’s step count on our pedometers exceeded 22,000! And it was only 6pm!

Last night one of our guests organised a quiz evening which was hilarious. I had great fun asking fellow hotel guests (not in our group) to help with our answers, much to the hilarity of the group. They were so keep to help, as well as the bar staff, that you couldn’t help thinking that they wished they were being included in the teams!

This morning everyone is ready for their early morning walk, bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7.15 am with my colleague and friend Mary. At 8 am I am waiting at the scales for the daily weigh-in. We already have a 4 lb loss this week and two more having lost over 3lbs. Weighing daily helps people to know whether they need to cut back their food a little and maybe drink a little less. Only two have gained and that is only ¼ lb!

So, today we’re off walking again - an easy-option walk for those who are not quite so fit, and a tough uphill hike for two hours to a hut on a mountain side. I’m taking the easy walk!

Let’s hope we see the sun at some point!

PS You can buy one of our pedometers from our new-look website, www.rosemaryconley.com