Tuesday 21 July 2009

Be encouraged by how quickly the body responds to exercise

Exercise is one of those things we know we should do more of, we know it’s good for us but somehow we just don’t quite make the time and effort to do enough of it. As a nation we watch on average 27 hours of television a week and yet we say we don’t exercise because ‘we don’t have time’!

To exercise we must be motivated – either by the activity itself, (because we love doing it), or by the progress we are making, (by doing what we’re doing and getting better at it), or by seeing ourselves become significantly fitter or stronger quite quickly, (being able to do much more than when we first started).

Mike, my husband, enjoys playing squash and golf. He hates exercising on machinery as it seems so pointless to him whereas playing a competitive game gives him the motivation to get his shorts on, make an effort and reap the rewards of increased fitness as a by-product. Mike hadn’t played squash for about 15 years but recently decided to take up the sport again, playing with the same partner, Dave, he played with when we were next door neighbours. Dave is a good player and they play very well together. The great thing is that, by being competitive, Mike pushes himself harder and the great bonus is that his fitness levels are increasing dramatically. And quickly. Last night he managed four games instead of the normal three and he can now see his fitness building and that is really spurring him on.

I too find exercising on machinery unrewarding – well, boring, actually – but I love my ice skating and I enjoy teaching aerobics, toning and salsacise at my classes and the combination keeps me fit. When I started skating a few months ago I wrapped myself up in ski shirts and a fleece to keep me warm but now I have progressed to doing some quite challenging manoeuvres which really push me. I have a fantastic coach and she is giving me the belief that I can try this or that exercise or move and, over time, I have progressed. I come off the ice at the end of my hour long lesson positively glowing. I feel really hot and I’ve loved every minute of it.

Last evening one of my trial dieters, 21 year old Ryan, came along to my class. He is a really great young man and he has already lost over two stone on the Trial and he came to my class so that he could exercise with me. He came with his sister and it was wonderful to see two young people wanting to get in shape in a healthy and effective way. Two months ago Ryan would have struggled to do the class but last night he managed really well. Often I hear of new dieters buying one of my DVDs and just being able to do the warm up initially. That’s great. But imagine how happy they feel when, within a week or two, they find themselves able to attempt the main aerobic workout? It is so motivating to see yourself progressing.

At all of our classes our instructors are trained to cater for everyone not matter what their age, capability or fitness level. Within our classes you could have a 23 stone member who has just joined, exercising alongside a member who has lost five stone and who is now at their target weight. You could have Ethel who had a new hip six months ago alongside Susie who had a baby three months ago. They can all exercise at the right level for them under the careful eye of a qualified fitness instructor who understands their individual needs. The training our instructors receive is exceptional so you would be in very good hands.

What I love about exercising in a class is the comradeship and the music. Exercising with others is fun and if you are working out to great music, you’re away. You will enjoy yourself. Add to that the fact that you have to use your brain to follow the choreography and that will stop you getting bored. It really is a great way to get and stay fit.

For details of our classes check out our website or look for my DVDs. They will all help you slim down and get fit. Enjoy