Thursday 20 August 2009

If you think you can do it, you can!

Today I will be spending time with our latest franchisees who are reaching the end of their training, ready to open their classes in September. They will have been undergoing training over the last four months to qualify as Exercise to Music instructors, nutrition consultants and business women. They have all purchased a franchise, passed their exams and now it’s time to flee the nest and run their own classes for their own members. They will be understandably nervous.

To have reached this point I have no doubt that there have been tears, heartache and sleepless nights – but they will also have grown as individuals, pushed the boundaries, stretched themselves beyond where they felt they could ever reach. And that’s great! Their confidence will have scaled new heights and their nervousness at running their own business will be matched only by the excitement of achieving something for themselves, by themselves.

My day with the girls today will involve them having a make-over with a professional makeup artist and being professionally photographed on their own and with me for their publicity photographs. (It’s a strange thing but lots of our members don’t believe that I personally know all our franchisees. Be assured, they wouldn’t have been offered a franchise if I didn’t!) Every one of these ladies has been selected because they are special. They will have come from a variety of backgrounds – some professional, some not – but that doesn’t matter. What is important is they genuinely care about people, are passionate about making their members’ lives better, are interested in the subject of diet and fitness and love exercising to music and can move with the beat!

In three months' time they will all come back for their Continuing Professional Development Training Part 1 so that they can share their experiences of the first three months of their business. They will learn and grow as a result of discussing the ups and downs of these all important first 12 weeks of their business. They will encourage each other and commiserate where necessary. Nobody said running your own business was easy but if you have the right attitude, are prepared to work hard and make that extra effort, you will succeed. And that is what I will be talking about with them after we have completed the photographs. Their ongoing training will not stop throughout their time with our Company and their lives hopefully will be richer for it. I’m not just talking about monetary reward, I’m talking about personal fulfilment – and that’s priceless.

The training that we give to our franchisees is awesome. I challenge any company in our industry to come close to the standard that we offer. Why do we try so hard? Because we want to do the very best we can to ensure that every single one of our franchisees is a success and that every member who attends one of our classes feels that they are receiving an excellent and personal service.

All of the girls have received the same training and some will be more successful than others. It won’t be anything to do with the area in which they live or the part of the country they come from. It will be down to whether they follow the guidance and advice we will have given them and how much effort and interest they devote to their members and their business. Their business is a career not a hobby. Today I will be trying to encourage them to believe that they can be a fantastic success. I truly hope they will be.

If you would like to know more about how to be considered as a franchisee for our company, please check out our website or call Dawn O’Dowd on 01509 622000 for a free Prospectus and DVD without any obligation whatsoever.