Wednesday 5 August 2009

So what has happened to Madonna?

There has been much discussion and publicity in the last few days about Madonna. Recent photographs in newspapers have shown her looking thin and muscular, and Madonna is furious. The many and varied reports of protruding veins, and criticism that she has taken her fitness regime far too far, have all added fuel to the fire of criticism of a pop star that is known for extremes.

It is reported that Madonna exercises for a couple of hours every day and that her workouts are gruelling. It is therefore not surprising that she is ultra thin and has strong muscles! Anyone who works out to that degree is displaying symptoms of obsession with exercise which is always worrying, but it is particularly worrying in someone of Madonna’s age and build. Madonna is extremely lean, with virtually no body fat, with the consequence that her veins are seen resting on her muscles which then give this rather unattractive appearance.

As we get older our bodies change – our skin becomes thinner and our veins become larger. That’s why Madonna’s veins look so protruding. And there is a real lesson here for all of us. We need to be a healthy weight, exercising at a healthy level, and dressing in an appropriate way for our age.

Having said all of that, it must be very hard to be in the limelight all of the time, with paparazzi waiting at every doorway to snatch that awful photograph that will float its way on to the pages of every hungry newspaper the next day. And, hopefully, Madonna has learned an important lesson. As we become older there are bits of us that need to be covered up and maybe next time she will be wearing long sleeves to cover up her waif-like arms. Unfortunately, however, I don’t think she will. Madonna is not known for dressing discreetly.

But Madonna is a great singer and long may she continue to entertain us. The press will never ignore her and nor would she want them to. After all, she is the ultimate material girl.