Monday 17 August 2009

Let’s save our own life!

It is reported that if we eat healthily, are at a healthy weight, take regular exercise and we don’t smoke we can reduce our chances of developing a serious, life-threatening illness by a massive 80%!

Our problem is that we imagine we won’t have the stroke, the heart-attack, the bowel cancer or go blind – it will happen to someone else. But they don’t. The statistics are frightening when you learn how many people are affected and how lives are devastated. But the great news is that even losing SOME weight and taking SOME exercise can dramatically improve your health.

Last week we heard from one of the Trialists who had been testing out my new diet which will be the basis of my new book to be published in the new year. Bill is in his 60’s and is a big man. Bill lost over 1 ½ stone during the trial period and last week told us that he had serious case of cellulitis caused by a insect bite that become badly infected. Bill was told that had he not lost the weight, been eating healthily and taking regular exercise recently, his condition would have left the doctors no alternative but to amputate his leg. Bill is now well on the road to recovery, thankfully.

It’s never a ‘good week’ to start our diet and it’s never a ‘good’ time to get ill either. So, even if we only increase our activity by going for a 15 minute walk every day, or going to an exercise class or playing a sport, it can have a dramatic effect on our health. Then, couple that with eating less high fat food, stopping snacking on crisps and chocolate between meals, and cutting back on our alcohol by 50%, we really could save our life!

Check out our website if you want help, ( – we have diet and fitness classes throughout the UK and an online slimming club for those who can’t make it to class – or just make a few simple changes to your lifestyle. You will be so glad when you’ve done it.