Monday 1 March 2010

So much to do!

This is going to be a really heavy week but it will be fun - as my weeks usually are.

I have been asked to be an Ambassador for, and to get involved in, an initiative to help the folk of Leicestershire, Leicester City and Rutland to get more active and tomorrow I meet with representatives of up to 23 different areas of health to discuss progress. It is very different for me to be working with loads of local government departments rather than our own business where we just make instant decisions and get on with things. I'm having fun learning how it all works and let's hope we can make progress. So far, so good!

Iím looking forward to Tuesday as Professor Raj Persaud is coming to Quorn to our TV studios to record lots of discussions on the psychological aspect of trying to lose weight and become fitter for our internet television channel, I love working alongside Raj. He is one of the most fascinating people I've ever met.

On Thursday I am speaking at the East Midlands Business Women's Conference and presenting the Women of Worth Awards. It was a real privilege to be involved in judging the awards and recognising the very special women who will take away such accolades. From there, I'm being driven down to Yeovil ready for our South West Roadshow which is happening on Friday. Around 200 lovely ladies and maybe some men will come along for a day of exercise and education with a good load of motivation thrown in. They are always fun and the weight losses achieved the next week by those who attend is reward enough for making the effort on my part. My wonderful colleague Mary Morris shares the stage with me on these days and always entertains and inspires.

Then on Sunday, wearing my President of Leicestershire Young Enterprise 'hat', I will visit the open market which will be held in the Highcross Shopping Centre in Leicester to visit the stalls of the inspirational young students who have created a Young Enterprise company this year and will be selling their products. It is always immensely rewarding and I'm grateful that this year the market is held indoors and not in the street as previously!

For some extra fitness in your day why not try my daily fitness challenge which I try and post on Twitter at around 8 pm each evening. It will he later tomorrow as I teach my classes on a Monday and I don't finish until around 8.30pm

Have a good week!