Wednesday 3 February 2010

Take a look at the diet trialists

This week we have uploaded the initial weigh-in day of my Trial Dieters on

Last May the first group of dieters came to Quorn House to be weighed in and measured. They were interviewed too and you can see the sense of fear and trepidation in their body language as they embarked on this weight-loss challenge. Men and women alike were given a 1200 calories a day diet sheet and they were given the option of either following the high protein version or the high carbohydrate one. The choice was theirs. They were also asked to exercise almost every day.

I told them that the challenge was to see if they could lose a stone in a month and they were very willing to give it a try. After all, they had nothing to lose but their weight and inches.

On the day they came to Quorn I had lost my voice, had flu and felt and looked dreadful. The second day of the weigh-in I didn’t even make it as I had to stay in bed. Fortunately, my wonderful team were able to carry on without me and in two days 50 people had been filmed and sent away with their diet and fitness plan.

A month on they were all back. Their total weight loss was an incredible 50 stone in the month and I had achieve the goal I wanted. To prove that you could lose a stone in a month whilst eating three healthy meals a day, power snacks, and ¾ pint of milk coupled with regular exercise. I then put it all in a book and my Amazing Inch Loss Plan is the result.

It is great to see the dieters’ response, one month on, and to have it captured on film. For me it is the icing on the cake because I had forgotten what they looked like at the beginning of the Trial. And I know how brilliant they look today!

Please watch this new programme on It really is inspiring. Just log on to