Tuesday 14 April 2009

After Easter - a good time to slim.

Anyone wanting to lose weight will find their greatest motivation to start on their diet after a festival where they have eaten lots. That's why the New Year, after the Christmas binge, is the number one recruiting time for members to slimming clubs and gyms and Easter, after the indulgence of Easter eggs, is the second. Would-be slimmers feel they have had their treat and they are fired up ready for action to lose weight in time for the summer. Today is a key day for dieters.

Yesterday's story in The Sun newspaper was reporting the story of a 15 year old Welsh girl who had managed to shed an impressive 12 stone in nine months at a Fat Camp in America. At 33 stone she held the unenviable title of Britain's Fattest Teenager. Thank heaven she was given a scholarship to attend the Camp where she has been following a low fat diet and taking exercise. Most importantly, she has changed the way she thinks about food. Good luck to her! I really hope she will continue to reduce her weight and enjoy living the sort of life she should be for someone of her tender years. I so hope everyone will support her once she comes home and that she will keep up her new healthy habits.

For most of us we don't have anywhere near that sort of weight to lose. It doesn't matter whether we have ten pounds or ten stone to lose, it MATTERS to us and we need to find the motivation to take that first step to a changing lifestyle so we can lose some weight.

Unlike other slimming clubs, we have always incorporated diet AND exercise in our classes because if you want to lose weight faster and tone up your skin and body, exercise is a must.
If you fancy coming along to one of our classes, check out our website for details of classes near you. All of our instructors are professionally qualified to teach safe and effective exercise to people of all abilities and fitness levels and they are very caring and special people. No-one is made to feel embarrassed and everyone is made exceptionally welcome. Good luck!