Thursday 16 April 2009

Launch of Kids 2 – fitness classes for parents and children

Today sees the press launch of a fantastic initiative which we have undertaken to help educate children towards healthier eating and greater activity.

This initiative called Kids 2 involves a child and an adult (usually a parent) attending a course of 6 classes over a 6-week period. The pair will participate in fun activities which offer physical and nutritional games and quizzes along with practical and motivational advice, and learn about healthy meal planning and preparation. The emphasis is on everyone having lots of fun.

The classes will be run by Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Clubs qualified franchisees who have attended a bespoke course to teach children between the ages of 10-14 alongside their parents the benefits of healthy eating and increased activity.

So successful have the pilot courses been that we have franchisees queuing up to go on the next available courses.

The initiative has been trialled for the last couple of years by a Rosemary Conley franchisee in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire. The parents and children who have already attended the pilot think it is fantastic fun and often come back for a second course with another child.

This is not a slimming club for children in fact it is purely about helping families to learn how to change their lifestyles to become healthier and fitter just by making a few simple changes.