Friday 10 April 2009

Easter Eggs

It's Good Friday and across the nations most of the world is on holiday for the Easter weekend. And lots of folk are looking forward to eating their Easter Eggs and spending time with their family. Let's hope that if you are trying to lose weight, your loved ones gave you something other than chocolate to celebrate this most important weekend in the Christian calender.

The problem with chocolate is that it is incredibly more-ish and I find that if I once get the taste of it, I just want to eat more, so, rather selfishly, we don't have Easter Eggs in our household!

I'm not against Easter Eggs but I do think it is a great idea to involve some activity to balance the indulgence. Many families engage in egg-based activities such as Easter egg hunts around the garden, egg painting and egg-and-spoon races with an Easter Egg as the prize for the winner. I'm all for finding any excuse to help children get moving around and if we can make Easter Eggs an added bonus after activity, that has to be good.

If you haven't bought your Easter Eggs yet and are planning to buy them tomorrow, check out my latest magazine to see which ones offer the least calories, and therefore the least fat, so you can still have a treat but without doing too much damage to your weight loss progress. Then, when you've eaten it, go for a long, long walk!