Sunday 5 April 2009

Keeping fit helps keeping you feeling young.

Last evening we attended a delightful Golden Wedding party to celebrate the fifty year marriage of a wonderful couple. The bride is in her eighties and the groom is in his seventies and inevitably there were many of the other guests who were in their advanced years too - some who live here in Portugal on a golfing resort and others who had flown over from around the world. It was a superb occasion with delicious food and some excellent speeches from the couple's two children and their fifteen year old grandson, and lots of dancing into the early hours.

But what struck me was the gulf that existed between the retired folk who were living over here, playing golf three, four or five times a week, some playing tennis too, and the ones who didn't. The golfers and tennis players were fit and vibrant, dancing and having fun. They are enjoying every moment of their lives, whereas some of the sedentary retired folk looked quiet and even resigned to just getting old.

Research has proven that we all can improve our fitness no matter what our age and it is never too late to start. In a trial conducted some years ago a group of folk in the 20's and a group in their 80's were put on a fitness training programme. The results proved that both groups improved their fitness levels by the same percentage illustrating that, no matter what our age, we can all improve our physical condition to our enormous benefit.

The saying 'if you don't use it, you'll lose it' is completely true of our physical condition. Why not take yourself out for a walk today, dig out one of my old fitness DVD's or resolve to join one of our classes. Check out our website for details if you need help.