Saturday 4 April 2009

The joys of Spring weather

As we're sitting in the sunshine here in Portugal with some friends who have just flown in this morning, they have been saying how lovely and sunny it has been over the last week or so in England where they live in the south. I love the feeling of the sun on my back and realise how the animals who live outside throughout the cold winters in England must be feeling now that the spring grass is growing and the sun is shining on their backs.

Sunshine makes us feel better and it inspires us to stick to our diets and get active. Even washing the car or sweeping the patio becomes enjoyable rather than a chore. If you have some jobs to do today that involve physical activity, instead of thinking they are a pain, see it as a great way to burn some extra calories, tone yourself up and lose a few pounds ready for the summer when you will want to bare your flesh in strappy tops and shorts. It's April now so getting our act together in plenty of time for summer really is the answer.

The latest issue of my magazine is just out. Look out for it in the supermarket and find the diet and exercises that will really help you to get slim and fit for summer. There's also the sliding scale of Easter Eggs which will show you that the calories in them vary from 2,500 -450! If you're serious about healthy eating and weight loss, check it out before you get tempted! Click here to view further information about latest issue and subscribe to my diet and fitness magazine.