Sunday 26 April 2009

Love your work!

Last Friday and Saturday we held our Training Convention at Center Parcs in Nottinghamshire. This is an annual event when all of our franchisees, and their employees, are invited to listen to experts in the field of nutrition and weight management, and workout at Masterclasses taught by some of the UK's most respected fitness professionals. It is an extraordinary gathering of like-minded women, plus a few men, whose job it is to help the nation lose weight and become fitter.

I looked on in awe as these wonderful ambassadors for our organisation exercised their socks off to learn new ideas and exciting choreography - after having taught probably 10 - 12 classes already last week. My, are these folk fit!

Lots of our franchisees are ex-members of our diet and fitness clubs who have lost loads of weight and then decided they wanted to help others to do the same. I love that. There is nothing better than speaking from your own experience and helping members to lose weight with empathy and compassion. I will never forget how I felt when I was overweight, how it affected my self-esteem and how it seemed to completely control my life.

But the overwhelming feeling that came through from the weekend was the total joy we all feel doing the job we do, not only the franchisees and their instructor-employees, but our fabulous staff too. How lucky we are to love every minute of our careers!

As motivational guru, Richard Denny, once said at a previous Convention, 'to be successful you need three elements : 1. Enjoy what you do, 2. have someone to share it with and 3. that what you do makes a difference'. We are very privileged when we say that is exactly what we have. Every single person at our Training Convention absolutely loves their job. How great is that!